Friday, September 25, 2009

Interested in social service?

I think many of us want to do something for our society but get many questions in mind, what to do? when shall i do? how shall i do? and then we become silent not getting an answer to any of these questions and simply while away our weekends.

For those of us who want to do something truly i came across a site:

This site answers almost all of our questions. If you register as a volunteer and also let them know the type of social service that you are interested in, theyl call you and let u know about the opportunities that you have near to your house.
It can be anything from teaching children, sponsoring school kits, sponsoring a child and that too at the time which is convenient for us.
One more thing which i came across was mentoring a child details of which are in the below site:

I found this very interesting, as mentoring children who are facing difficulties helps them a lot in their life. I have known the real experience of this when i had been to teach in government schools.
For those who are interested in social service, please visit the links

Even I havent done anything productive till now, registered for the site today and waiting to see what i can do :-)

Cheers to Youth for Seva :-)

Gently falls the Bakula

I have been a fan of Sudha Murthy since my college days. I admire her a lot for her simplicity and the way she is. Never got an opportunity to see her still even though i work in Infy :-). Had heard a lot about her books but never got to read them until recently when i bought the book Gently falls the Bakula. Its just amazing to read her book cos it relates so much to our day to day life.

Gently falls the bakula is a story about a highly educated gal Srimati who has interest in history unlike most of us who are fond of the IT industry. She is a tough competition for her neighbor Srikanth since her school days. They are neighbors as well as rivals in school. But as they finish their college days they are strangely attracted to each other. Srikant completes his engineering in IIT whereas Srimati pursues her studies in history. She gets many offers to pursure her Ph.D in history but she opts to marry Srikant, much against the wish of both their parents. Srikant gets busy with work and somehow Srimati is not able to pursue her studies due to some reason or the other and becomes a dutiful housewife. But its too late when she realises that she has ruined her career and Srikant is not the same person whom she had liked. Very busy with his work he has lil or no time for Srimati who has sacrificed her whole life for him and always taunts her for her interest in history.She is lost in a world thinking what she should do next and that is when she decides she should go abroad and do her Ph.D, but not many in normal life take this decision.

The name for this book is so very apt, Bakula is just a normal flower. Life of Srimati is same as almost all housewives that we see today. This story was written by Sudha Murthy around 30 years back but holds good to today's world also. I am not a feminist but always keep wondering why are women always made to sacrifice. If a man attains great heights, he is intelligent, smart etc etc. But when a woman tries to balance her life between family and career she is "career oriented". Isnt it right on a gals part to build her career as her parents also would have so much faith in her that shel attain great heights. As far as i have seen, when needed women never neglect their familes, it is their first priority, responsibilty and then comes work so why not let them pursue their interest might not be work can be anything like hobbies, interests etc etc.

But ya have seen many ppl who are very supportive these days, I have many examples and one would be my Pappa who is so supportive to my Amma :-) . World is changing and we will surely see a better tomorrow where everyone is treated equally :-).

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mehandi Designs - One of my hobbies :-)

Hope itl be useful to some of you :-)