Friday, September 25, 2009

Interested in social service?

I think many of us want to do something for our society but get many questions in mind, what to do? when shall i do? how shall i do? and then we become silent not getting an answer to any of these questions and simply while away our weekends.

For those of us who want to do something truly i came across a site:

This site answers almost all of our questions. If you register as a volunteer and also let them know the type of social service that you are interested in, theyl call you and let u know about the opportunities that you have near to your house.
It can be anything from teaching children, sponsoring school kits, sponsoring a child and that too at the time which is convenient for us.
One more thing which i came across was mentoring a child details of which are in the below site:

I found this very interesting, as mentoring children who are facing difficulties helps them a lot in their life. I have known the real experience of this when i had been to teach in government schools.
For those who are interested in social service, please visit the links

Even I havent done anything productive till now, registered for the site today and waiting to see what i can do :-)

Cheers to Youth for Seva :-)

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